Lobster conservation with the Cooperative Society for Fishery Production and United Fishers of San Felipe / Sociedad cooperativa de producción pesquera pescadores unidos de San Felipe

San Felipe, Yucatán, México



The community/organization and local perspectives on conservation and stewardship


The Cooperative Society for Fishery Production and United Fishers of San Felipe was founded as an organization more than 50 years ago. We carry out sustainable fisheries, respecting the local reputed closures and reproduction periods. 


It is necessary to promote a strong unified community. Allowing local communities to take part in natural resources management through a process of engaging people is very important. This is because the community is close to the area and understands the problem, and possesses local wisdom in the use of natural resources suitable for the ecological environment and cultural context. With this knowledge, we are able to help ensure sustainability in natural resource management.  


Stewardship experience: Lobster conservation in Yucatán, México


The issue or problem being addressed

Over-exploitation and illegal fishing. In recent years we have noticed drastic changes in production, with significant seasonal variations in fish availability. This threatens the sustainability of the fishery and the security of local livelihoods.


The activities

For 5 years, illegal fishing has increased and affected lobster biomass. To address this, the organisation has worked to create artificial reefs for lobster habitat, beginning in the year 2010. These reefs also provide habitat for other animals and help to rebuild local marine ecosystems.


The benefits/impacts including sustainability/environmental effects

The benefits have been the increase in production, but we also have the problem of illegal fishing. Addressing this will be an ongoing challenge. A main achievement has been more income, and fishers having a secure formal job.


The success and significance of the activities

We will continue working on conservation but the government’s support is necessary to be able to stop illegal fishing.


Some lessons learned or words of wisdom

Fight to continue conserving the species that feed our families.





Fishery Facts

(Below are the applicable categories of fisheries, environment, species, gear type and livelihood role.)


Fishery characteristics:

  • Marine capture fishery
  • Commercial
  • Multi-species

The environment where fishing takes place: 

  • Coastal – Estuarine

Main species targeted:

  • Molluscs (including bivalves and cephalopods – e.g. octopus/clams)
  • Crustaceans (e.g. shrimp/prawn/lobster)

Gear types/ methods used:

  • Gillnet
  • Longline
  • Dive

Role of the fishery in local livelihoods:

  • Main source of employment
  • Full time