Habitat protection and traditional fisheries by artisanal fishermen of the Chebba in Tunisia / Pêcheurs artisanaux de la Chebba Tunisie
Chebba, Tunisia
The community/organization and local perspectives on conservation and stewardship
TSSF (Tunisian Society for Sustainable Fisheries) is a Tunisian association for fisheries sustainability that is focused on capacity development and supporting coordination among fishers and all actors in the fisheries sector.
Artisanal fishermen are let down by an artisanal fishing technique “charfia” which has turned into a destructive technique that has negatively affected marine ecosystems following the overwhelming installation of fixed fisheries by other fishermen and has hampered the fishing activity of a hundred small craft.
Stewardship experience: Artisanal fishers’ efforts to preserve the coastal strip
The issue or problem being addressed
There have been modifications of the materials constituting the traditional “charfia” fishing technique, by using nets instead of palm leaves in the construction of the walls, thus forming a wall of enormous length all along the coast and hindering the passage of fish to the nurseries. This has led to artisanal fishermen making increasingly low catches since the installation of fixed fishery walls “mures de peche“.
The activities
We encouraged artisanal fishermen to claim their rights to a traditional fishing area. First steps included making requests to the fishing authorities. Our process was blocked by the administration and we went to court. Sit-ins were held in front of a trade union center supported by industrial fishing and traders of fishery products, to raise awareness of artisanal fishers’ concerns.
The benefits/impacts including sustainability/environmental effects
Conservation of biodiversity and the quality of life of fishermen. Improved participation in decision-making and resource management.
Other benefits include those related to:
- Sustainable livelihoods/ poverty reduction / supporting vulnerable and marginalized groups
- food security
- employment and decent work
- tenure and access rights
- government policy and decision-making
Some lessons learned or words of wisdom
Community cohesion and trust in their leadership or supporting organization and also concerted decisions will forge the success of local efforts to protect the resource.
For further information on this organisation, visit: https://www.facebook.com/TunisianFisheries/
Fishery Facts
(Below are the applicable categories of fisheries, environment, species, gear type and livelihood role.)
Fishery characteristics:
- Subsistence fishery
The environment where fishing takes place:
- Coastal – Nearshore
- Nearby areas – Urban areas (coastal)
Gear types/ methods used:
- Gillnet
- Other: charfia
Role of the fishery in local livelihoods:
- Main source of employment